Cam Contra$t is one to look for this year however we might not even no who exactly we’re looking for. The South Florida native is bringing a creative new blend of hard hip hop bangers and mellow wavey tunes to bring a completely new style to the new wave of hip hop and rap. And there’s a twist, no one knows who he is… yet. Cam Contra$t’s debut song “Too Famous” is a hard hitting rap track with a pretty catchy hook. However Contra$t isn’t just catchy, and is actually pretty creative when it comes to getting his point across in his lyrics. In “Too Famous” he combines a mixture of pointing out how easy it is to get famous nowadays, and how fake a lot of things are while playing it off nonchalantly and not letting is get to him. Be on the lookout for Cam Contra$t this year, he definitely has some surprises in store.
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