JAY-JASMIN – Infinite Unicorn (Audio)

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INFINITE UNICORN is a song about becoming our highest multidimensional selves. The song is done in 432hz, which adds a healing element. The song is all about going from “one trick pony” body to our “infinite unicorn” selves where anything is possible through law of attraction and living in truth. Entering a new age, the age of Aquarius. It’s a song about exiting the matrix and discovering other worlds and versions of ourselves past this one. Becoming all of you is one of the main messages. It starts as waking up from a dream, which questions if this reality is simply a waking dream we don’t realize because of the matrix. Kisses on my forehead is all about opening the third eye and seeing the world from another perspective. The song has an alice in wonderland theme about going down the rabbit hole which happens in a spiritual awakening and then realizing it’s all you. That we are all the universe. The I AM is a major part of it encouraging people to become their god crystalline selves. INFINITE UNICORN makes the listener go inward and question reality. It activates them to a higher perspective as we leave the Age of Pisces and enter the Age of Aquarius in 2020.

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