Check out the official music video for “Jimmy D,” the debut single from up-and-coming artist Pop Baby! With this infectious and upbeat pop single, Pop Baby is ready to show the world what he’s capable of. The song is named after the nightclub “Jimmy D’s on Carson” in the Southside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where Pop Baby is from. He wrote the song with his producer the day after going there for the first time and getting drunk, having the time of his life!
The official music video, filmed on his iPhone 11, is a recap of his life during the COVID-19 quarantine. Pop Baby did not let the pandemic stop him from having fun, and he wants to show the world that you can be alone and still make life worth living. The lyrics of “Jimmy D” encourage listeners to live their lives the way they want and not wait to have a million followers or listen to the mainstream to have a good life. The song’s message is clear: get off that couch, put your best outfit on, and go have fun!